Thursday, March 2, 2017

"It's a difficult process, but it's a process"--3/2/17

Today was oddly quiet at the House, as I began my day at the Government Committee, which lasted less than an hour (which at the beginning of session was the norm, but now is a rarity). They passed SB1244, SB1167, SB1138, SB1137, SB1117, SB1094, SB1076, and SB1060, and because they finished early I had time to kill before the floor. I've found myself starting to get into the rhythm of this process, so when things were a little slow I was taken aback.

Even at te floor, things seemed to be quieter. The controversial bill about greenhouses was back, but it was retained on the calendar at the request of the sponsor (ie they didn't hear it today). the one bill that received contentious debate was HB2492, that looked like it was going to pass until enough people against the bill stood to explain their vote and why they disagreed with it that people began switching sides, until even the bill's sponsor decided to vote against it (RIP HB2492).

Which, of course, brings me to the quote of the day. It comes from Dr. Freise, who used this phrase on the floor when explaining his position on the bill. I think it gets to what I was saying in my post from Monday, that even though this is a difficult process, it is an important one that moves us closer and closer to real solutions every day.


  1. Before I was surprised that basically every bill was agreed on, but now I'm more surprised that this bill made it past committee with apparently serious problems, if the creator no longer supported it. Was anyone else still in favor or was it a unanimous opposition?

  2. Hey Mimi! How often do you get these "oddly quiet" days at the House. And what exactly are some possible causes for why it may be quiet. As always, interesting post and can't wait to tune in next week!

  3. Hey Mimi! Sorry for the really late comment but I'm glad to see that things are continually interesting. On a scale of 1 to 10, how awkward was that quiet? What do you think the length of committee deliberation says about a bill? Can't wait to see what you do next.
